Cover Letters

Most HR experts and career gurus liken a job interview to sales. You are essentially selling your experience, personality and skill set as a must-have addition to the company to which you are applying.

But pitching yourself in the interview is the second step. You need to get an interview first. The way you do that is with a strong resume coupled with a great cover letter. Whereas a resume provides a brief snapshot of what you have to offer a company, a cover letter is your chance to explain WHY you are the best choice for the job. Even with your stellar credentials, if your cover letter is full of technical mistakes and odd wording you run the risk of looking like a poor communicator and appearing as if you did not want the job enough to invest time in quality letter.

Perhaps writing is not your strongest suit or writing about yourself makes you uncomfortable, which is not at all uncommon. I can help highlight your strengths and make the best first impression possible.

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