Across all businesses in all sectors there are three kinds of customers: the potential customer for whom most advertising dollars are spent, the new customer who has just recently tried your product or service and will hopefully come back and then the long-term loyal customer. I think many people would argue that the latter is the foundation on which a successful company is built. What are you doing to reach that segment of your clientele who has decided your enterprise is a good investment for their dollars?
The bulk of the advertising industry is structured around reaching new customers and growing that customer base (and there is no questioning how important that is), but it is shocking how little effort businesses usually put into cultivating current customers.
Newsletters are a great and inexpensive way to reinvest into those who have already decided to partner with you and your team. They are direct and have a personalized touch not found in publicly published media posts. Also, if done correctly, newsletters can communicate your appreciation to the people you've done business with in the past to help ensure they will visit you again in the future.